90 minutes
Location: Theaterhaus
from 15 years
Friday, September 13th, 04:00 pm registration
Audio description is an accessibility tool for blind and visually impaired people, for example in the theatre, television and museums. At the same time, it always has the potential to become an art form in its own right and a practice critical of discrimination.
This workshop is a first introduction to the many questions associated with this:
What types of audio description are there?
What is needed for an intersectional and discrimination-critical* audio description?
What are important organisational aspects?
Is audio description always the right approach?
The workshop is free of charge and is aimed at anyone interested in audio description. No previous knowledge or theatre experience is required.
* Intersectional discrimination-critical means acting and speaking in such a way that nobody is judged or disadvantaged based on an (ascribed) characteristic (e.g. gender, disability, etc.). This is not just about individual forms of discrimination (e.g. sexism, racism, etc.), but about all of them together and their intersections.
© Omar Zyami
No Steps or Stairs
Wheelchairs Accessible Parking
Spoken German
Audience Participation
Annika Jakobs
Paula Emmrich
Annika Jakobs (she/her), white, cis, legally blind, studied cultural studies and aesthetic practice in Hildesheim. She currently works as a consultant for inclusion at the Theater der jungen Welt in Leipzig.
Paula Emmrich (they/she), white, queer, neurodivergent studies scenic arts at the University of Hildesheim. Most recently they worked as accessibility coordinator at Festival Theaterformen.
The two of them work together on various artistic projects, e.g. as an audio description team.
90 minutes
Location: Theaterhaus
from 15 years
Friday, September 13th, 04:00 pm registration
Audio description is an accessibility tool for blind and visually impaired people, for example in the theatre, television and museums. At the same time, it always has the potential to become an art form in its own right and a practice critical of discrimination.
This workshop is a first introduction to the many questions associated with this:
What types of audio description are there?
What is needed for an intersectional and discrimination-critical* audio description?
What are important organisational aspects?
Is audio description always the right approach?
The workshop is free of charge and is aimed at anyone interested in audio description. No previous knowledge or theatre experience is required.
* Intersectional discrimination-critical means acting and speaking in such a way that nobody is judged or disadvantaged based on an (ascribed) characteristic (e.g. gender, disability, etc.). This is not just about individual forms of discrimination (e.g. sexism, racism, etc.), but about all of them together and their intersections.
© Omar Zyami
No Steps or Stairs
Wheelchairs Accessible Parking
Spoken German
Audience Participation
Annika Jakobs
Paula Emmrich