Dance Performance, City Walk
90 minutes
start and finish point of the city walk: Angoulêmplatz
for every age
Saturday, September 14th, 04:30 pm ticket
Sunday, September 15th, 02:30 pm ticket
(with post-performance discussion)
Dance Gathering is an invitation from the maiskind community to transform our public spaces into places of fun, queer identities and celebration. The maiskinder - children of maize - share poems and impulses to guide and interact with the audience. The audience can interact, follow, watch and leave at any time. No previous dance experience is required, but the joy of chocolate.
maiskind is inspired by the ancestral knowledge of maize. This knowledge manifests itself in many forms and challenges Western perspectives. For example, maiskind seeks community not in the equality of all, but in their differences. Because “it's not about you, it's about all of us.”
© Nathan Ishar
»We want to go out into the city and onto the streets with the maiskindern! Unconventional and charming, the group invites us to enjoy every moment. The unusual and exciting format inspires us. It excites us for diversity and being yourself. A captivating performance.«
Content Notes:
Maiskind aims to encourage the audience to dance and sing on a guided walk. The performance leads through the city center and ends at the festival center. Everybody can join the fun as they feel comfortable and should take care of themselves and others.
No Steps or Stairs
Spoken English
Audience Participation
By and with: Sebastian Varra, Darya Myasnikova, Constanza Ruiz Campusano, Jimin Seo, iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo
Music by: Roman Jungblut
Research & Premiere included: Ander Ballarin, Brigitte Huezo, Franz-Josef Heumannskämper, Eithan Albay Zurias, Demetris Vasilakis, Lisa Hellmich, Maria Mercedes Flores, Yeojin Kim
maiskind music by: Thea Soti, Emila Golos & Szymon Wojick
Dramaturgy: Mia Hofner
Production assistance: Ana Gonzalez Painting: Joanna Stange, Dan Arenzon
Video: Beomseok Jeong Beomseok Jeong. Photography: Nathan Ishar
Artistic direction & choreography: iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo
A production by iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo - maiskind. In co-production with TRANSIT Cheersforfears. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
© maiskind
Instagram: @maiskind_offical
Dance Performance, City Walk
90 minutes
start and finish point of the city walk: Angoulêmplatz
for every age
Saturday, September 14th, 04:30 pm ticket
Sunday, September 15th, 02:30 pm ticket
(with post-performance discussion)
Dance Gathering is an invitation from the maiskind community to transform our public spaces into places of fun, queer identities and celebration. The maiskinder - children of maize - share poems and impulses to guide and interact with the audience. The audience can interact, follow, watch and leave at any time. No previous dance experience is required, but the joy of chocolate.
maiskind is inspired by the ancestral knowledge of maize. This knowledge manifests itself in many forms and challenges Western perspectives. For example, maiskind seeks community not in the equality of all, but in their differences. Because “it's not about you, it's about all of us.”
© Nathan Ishar
»We want to go out into the city and onto the streets with the maiskindern! Unconventional and charming, the group invites us to enjoy every moment. The unusual and exciting format inspires us. It excites us for diversity and being yourself. A captivating performance.«
Content Notes:
Maiskind aims to encourage the audience to dance and sing on a guided walk. The performance leads through the city center and ends at the festival center. Everybody can join the fun as they feel comfortable and should take care of themselves and others.
No Steps or Stairs
Spoken English
Audience Participation
By and with: Sebastian Varra, Darya Myasnikova, Constanza Ruiz Campusano, Jimin Seo, iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo
Music by: Roman Jungblut
Research & Premiere included: Ander Ballarin, Brigitte Huezo, Franz-Josef Heumannskämper, Eithan Albay Zurias, Demetris Vasilakis, Lisa Hellmich, Maria Mercedes Flores, Yeojin Kim
maiskind music by: Thea Soti, Emila Golos & Szymon Wojick
Dramaturgy: Mia Hofner
Production assistance: Ana Gonzalez Painting: Joanna Stange, Dan Arenzon
Video: Beomseok Jeong Beomseok Jeong. Photography: Nathan Ishar
Artistic direction & choreography: iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo
A production by iSaAc Espinoza Hidrobo - maiskind. In co-production with TRANSIT Cheersforfears. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
© maiskind
Instagram: @maiskind_offical