Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises
Konflikt unter der Lupe: Isaac Chong Wais Werk Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises nimmt politische Protestbewegungen und ihre wiederkehrenden Elemente in den Blick. Die Zwei-Kanal-Videoinstallation zeigt Reenactments von Polizeiübungen in reduzierter Geschwindigkeit - eine Slow-Motion Nahaufnahme von Techniken polizeilicher Praxis in Demonstrationen. Abstrahiert durch die isolierte und verlangsamte Ausübung der Bewegungen von fünf Performer*innen ermöglicht Chong distanzierte Perspektiven auf die Themenkomplexe Gewalt, Macht und Protest.
Conflict under the microscope: Isaac Chong Wai’s Work Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises takes a look at political protest movements and their recurring elements. The two-channel video installation shows Reenactments of police training, exercised at a reduced speed - a slow motion close-up of techniques of police practice in demonstrations. Chong enables distant perspectives on the topics of violence, power and protest, which are abstracted by the isolated and slowed down exercise of the movements of five performers
Hinweis: Resttickets können auch kurz vor der Veranstaltung vor Ort gekauft werden.
Note: Remaining tickets can also be purchased on site shortly before the event.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
Über den Künstler/ about the artist
Isaac Chong Wai ist ein in Berlin lebender Künstler aus Hongkong. Er hat ein B.A. Studium der Visual Arts an der Hong Kong Baptist University und ein MFA-Studium in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar abgeschlossen. Beeinflusst von persönlichen Ereignissen und globalen Phänomenen, beschäftigt er sich mit Themen wie Kollektivismus und Individualismus, Geopolitik, Migration, historischem Trauma, Identitätspolitik und Öffentlichkeiten.
Isaac Chong Wai is a Berlin-based artist from Hong Kong. He graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University with a BA in Visual Arts and Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany, with a MFA in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies. Influenced by personal events and global phenomena, he engages themes of collectivism and individualism, geopolitics, migration, historical trauma, identity politics and public spheres.
Artist Talk zu “Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises”
Per Videokonferenz sprechen Vertreter*innen vom Festivalteam mit dem Künstler über sein Werk und dessen Hintergründe. Das Publikum ist eingeladen, Fragen in den Chat zu stellen!
Artist Talk on "Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises"
Via videoconference, representatives of the festival team will talk with the artist about his work and its backgrounds. The audience is invited to ask questions in the chat!
27. Mai
Isaac Chong Wai, Eva Bode, Thalia Schmitt
Englisch / English
25. Mai 2021
26. Mai - 30.Mai 2021
kunstraum 53
Dauer: 18 min.
Ohne Sprache/ No language
Marah Arcilla, Isaac Chong Wai, Sylvie Co, Calvin Tak Chi Ngan, Sarah Xiao Cheng Yong
Courtesy of M+ Museum, Blindspot Gallery and Zilberman
Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises
Konflikt unter der Lupe: Isaac Chong Wais Werk Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises nimmt politische Protestbewegungen und ihre wiederkehrenden Elemente in den Blick. Die Zwei-Kanal-Videoinstallation zeigt Reenactments von Polizeiübungen in reduzierter Geschwindigkeit - eine Slow-Motion Nahaufnahme von Techniken polizeilicher Praxis in Demonstrationen. Abstrahiert durch die isolierte und verlangsamte Ausübung der Bewegungen von fünf Performer*innen ermöglicht Chong distanzierte Perspektiven auf die Themenkomplexe Gewalt, Macht und Protest.
Conflict under the microscope: Isaac Chong Wai’s Work Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises takes a look at political protest movements and their recurring elements. The two-channel video installation shows Reenactments of police training, exercised at a reduced speed - a slow motion close-up of techniques of police practice in demonstrations. Chong enables distant perspectives on the topics of violence, power and protest, which are abstracted by the isolated and slowed down exercise of the movements of five performers
Hinweis: Resttickets können auch kurz vor der Veranstaltung vor Ort gekauft werden.
Note: Remaining tickets can also be purchased on site shortly before the event.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
©Isaac Chong Wai, Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises (2018)
Performance and video Commissioned by M+ Museum. Documented at Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong. Sound: Nobutaka Shomura, photo/video by CPAK Studio. Copyright Isaac Chong Wai. Courtesy of M+, Blindspot Gallery, Zilberman Gallery and the artist.
Über den Künstler/ about the artist
Isaac Chong Wai ist ein in Berlin lebender Künstler aus Hongkong. Er hat ein B.A. Studium der Visual Arts an der Hong Kong Baptist University und ein MFA-Studium in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar abgeschlossen. Beeinflusst von persönlichen Ereignissen und globalen Phänomenen, beschäftigt er sich mit Themen wie Kollektivismus und Individualismus, Geopolitik, Migration, historischem Trauma, Identitätspolitik und Öffentlichkeiten.
Isaac Chong Wai is a Berlin-based artist from Hong Kong. He graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University with a BA in Visual Arts and Bauhaus-Universität in Weimar, Germany, with a MFA in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies. Influenced by personal events and global phenomena, he engages themes of collectivism and individualism, geopolitics, migration, historical trauma, identity politics and public spheres.
Artist Talk zu “Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises”
Per Videokonferenz sprechen Vertreter*innen vom Festivalteam mit dem Künstler über sein Werk und dessen Hintergründe. Das Publikum ist eingeladen, Fragen in den Chat zu stellen!
Artist Talk on "Rehearsal of the Futures: Police Training Exercises"
Via videoconference, representatives of the festival team will talk with the artist about his work and its backgrounds. The audience is invited to ask questions in the chat!
27. Mai
Isaac Chong Wai, Eva Bode, Thalia Schmitt
Englisch / English
25. Mai 2021
26. Mai - 30.Mai 2021
kunstraum 53
Dauer: 18 min.
Ohne Sprache/ No language
Marah Arcilla, Isaac Chong Wai, Sylvie Co, Calvin Tak Chi Ngan, Sarah Xiao Cheng Yong
Courtesy of M+ Museum, Blindspot Gallery and Zilberman